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10 Countries with hellenic – greek names

The whole planet Greece - The world with Greek names. You are called America but you are not called America, since Americo Vespucci was baptized Homer. As a boy he was called Homerico and was changed to Americo.

The whole planet Greece – The world with Greek names


You are called America but you are not called America, since Americo Vespucci was baptized Homer. As a boy he was called Homerico and was changed to Americo.


The sympathetic Germany. They call themselves Deutschland. The first compound is Deus meaning Zeus, and the second is land from the word las = stone from which the quarry is derived. That is, Germany is the land of Zeus.


Friendly England, that British word that comes from the word Vrythos, meaning virgin, was England the land of many virgins. From this comes the English virgin from which the American state of Virginia in honor of the Queen who was a virgin..


Italy, it’s “to the sea”, to the sea, I believe you have seen how Italy is rushing into the Mediterranean.


Spain. They call their homeland Espana, and rightly so since the country has many forests due to the abundant rainfall and was dedicated to the Greek god of forests, Pan. To Pan then.


It is so called because it is located under the Aegean Sea. We will put a surveyor there since we will also control the Zeus Canal. The Arabs read from right to left and SUEZ is read as ZEUS.


Zeus had an only known son named Inus. The In of Zeus. A little further there is a large Chinese region called Yunnan, meaning Ionia.


Let’s go to Japan, which is easily read as “Far Ionia”. The whole Epirus Asia got its name from Hecabe’s brother Asius who was killed in Troy by Aias Telamonius.

And Europa was named after the big-eyed Europa, daughter of Agenor and Telephaessa, granddaughter of Poseidon. Europa was the daughter of Agenora, king of Phoenicia. Her name may mean “open tomato” (wide + ψ) or comes from the Akkadian word erebu (two).

Other countries

Philippines, Polynesia, Ireland (from Iris), Denmark (from the Danaans, Poseidans), France from the Gallic son of Heracles and many more…
Even the ending stan in all the states of the East is from Isthemi and refers to what stands as State. Greek Everything! and not Greekized from Hellenic languages. Even if it hurts them.

Everyone in the world accepted it.

Totum grecorum est – “Everything belongs to the Greeks”.


“The world is the expanded Greece. Greece is the shrinking world”.

Victor Hugo
10 χώρες με ελληνικά ονόματα

Greece is a global geographical and historical. We have the obligation to get to know her and recognize her.

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Jandark Petros

Jandark Petros

Articles: 10

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