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Kurdish-Ottoman (Turkish) relations between the past and the present

The invaders Turks and Kurds not only live together in Turkey, but founded the Republic together and shared the victories of the invasions and crimes against Byzantines, Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians together.

Written by Jandark Petros / 06.03.2024

Kurdish-Ottoman (Turkish) relations between the past and the present


The invaders Turks and Kurds not only live together in Turkey, but founded the Republic together and shared the victories of the invasions and crimes against Byzantines, Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians together.

The Kurds and Turks are all invaders and criminals, they invaded our lands and live in our houses after killing the owners of these houses.
Of course, Arabs and Persians or Iranians belong to the same category, but here we will only talk about the relation between Turks and Kurds.

The Kurds committed more than 100 genocides against Assyrians in the last 200 years, and these genocides are documented.
And others countless genocides committed against the Assyrians by the Kurds, Arabs, Turks, Turkmen and Persians.

▪️ The Kurds became Muslims of their own will, not by force, as they claim.The Kurdish occupation built 5800 mosques on the land of Assyria, and there are dozens of other mosques under construction.

▪️ Kurds and Turks were and still are allies since the beginning of Islam, both were and still are allies against the Christian East.

▪️ The Kurds deliberately distort and falsify the history of the region to control the holy land of Assyria, as the Turks distorted and falsified the history of Assyrian and Greek lands. 

▪️ The only friends of the Kurds are the demons that live inside them!The mountains are not friends of the Kurds as they claim. These mountains are the mountains of Assyria and belong to the land of Assyria since BC.

The Battle of Manzikert
“Alliances of the Kurds and Ottomans against the Byzantines” :

On August 26, 1071 AD, 10,000 Kurds joined Ottoman Seljuks in the Battle of Manzikert against the Byzantines, and without the participation of the Kurds, who outnumbered Seljuk fighters in Sultan Alp Arslan’s army, the Seljuks would not have succeeded to beat the Byzantines and the Ottoman Empire would not have emerged later, nor modern Turkey after it.

The lies of the Kurds about their cleansing by Mustafa Kemal:

The Kurds constantly spread the lie that the Turks tried to exterminate and kill them and claim that Mustafa Kemal persecuted them. The Kurds claim this to cover their alliance and main participation in the genocides of the Assyrians, Greeks and Armenians in exchange for the establishment of a Kurdish pseudo-state in the lands of these ethnic groups.
The truth is that after these genocides, the Kurds started their revolutions that were not about secession from Turkey and the establishment of the fake Kurdish state but, to revive the Islamic Caliphate again and bring together the peoples of the region on a religious basis and not on a nationalism basis. And in 1924 occurred Sheikh Said Piran’s revolution, which was a revolution to restore the Islamic Caliphate against Mustafa Kemal’s announcement to abolish the Islamic Caliphate, so Mustafa Kemal crushed the Kurds. That’s why they accuse Mustafa Kemal of killing Kurds in the past.

The Kurds play the role of the victim in front of the international public opinion and the media, especially playing the role of the victim in front of the Greek people to gain their support because they perceive that the Greeks are against Turkey and that Turkey is occupying Greek lands, where many Kurds live in these occupied Greek lands and if they can control and occupy the Assyrian lands that are in today’s Turkey, they will occupy the Greek lands that are in today’s Turkey.

The occupiers Turks, Kurds and Kurdistan Workers’ Party
The Kurds and Turks want to control a land that is not their land, but it is the land of the Assyrians:

President of the Turkish occupation Erdogan and The former president of the Kurdish occupation Massoud Barzani
President of the Turkish occupation Erdogan and The former president of the Kurdish occupation Massoud Barzani

Turkey, which occupies Assyrian lands that are in what is now southeastern Turkey, only fights and kills members of the occupying Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has bases around northern Iraq and Syria which controls the Assyrian border villages that are between Turkey, Iraq and Syria, as both want to control a land that is not their land, but the land of the Assyrians. Where the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) occupies Assyrian land in the part that is in what is called northern Iraq supports Turkey to get rid of the PKK fighters because they have a common benefit, which is the emptying of these Assyrian villages from the Assyrians so they could control the Assyrian lands.Τhe Kurds and the Turks were and still are allies since the beginning of Islam, and both were and still are allies against the Christian East.
Here defenseless Assyrians have become among the Forcible displacements from their villages by this party and murders due to the Turkish bombardments of these villages.

Economic and military cooperation between Kurdish and Turkish invaders:

Turkish military bases:

Since 1995, under the informal agreement signed between the Turkish and Kurdish occupation forces, there are today more than (20) Turkish military bases, headquarters and intelligence centers in occupied Assyria (today northern Iraq), scattered in the provinces of Arbaello “Erbil” and Beth Nohadra “Dohuk”, where bases are spread along the border.
The largest Turkish military base is located in the Assyrian city of Bashiqa. This city is considered the heart of the Assyrian Plain (present-day Nineveh Plain), in occupied Assyria (today northern Iraq). This city has oil and natural gas in abundance, in addition to agricultural wealth and most importantly, olive oil.

Turkish oil companies:

Ankara is considered the first trade partner for the Kurdish occupiers, as Turkey is heavily involved in the oil sector, and Turkish oil companies are active in fields in our Assyrian land which is under Kurdish occupation, and Turkey has shares of various percentages , ranging from 25% to 75%.
Turkey also built oil pipelines through Turkish territory to steal the oil of occupied Assyria.
The Kurdish occupation has been stealing and exporting Assyrian oil for many years to other countries.

Turkish banks:

There are five Turkish banks with branches in the occupied Assyrian city of Arbaello “Erbil” in Assyria “Northern Iraq”, which are state-owned and private.

Trade between invaders:

Turks are at the top of the list of foreign companies operating in occupied Assyria (northern Iraq), and Turkish companies make up 75% of them. Most of the food is imported from Turkey. The number of Turkish companies operating in northern Iraq has reached 1500 companies.
There are close and economic relations between the Kurdish occupation and the Turkish occupation, particularly the Kurdish occupation authority’s relationship with Erdogan, which has been widely documented in trade, industry, tools and equipment, and logistics sectors, such as roads, bridges and residential centers of cities.

Border Gate (Zit):

10 May 2023 The international border gate (Zit) “Zit International Border” opened between the Kurdish occupation and the Peshmerga gang and Turkey. The border crossing is located in the north of Arbaello governorate ” today Erbil” “the Assyrian governorate occupied by the Kurds” which is connected to Hakkiari “the Assyrian governorate occupied by the Turks” in southeast Turkey.
Also, a representative office of the Kurdish occupation authority is to be opened in Ankara.

▪️ Kurdish and Turkish occupation forces hold frequent meetings with each other. And the Kurdish flag is raised at Istanbul airport when Kurdish occupation forces visit Turkey.

▪️ In the context of cooperation between Kurdish and Turkish occupation is the training of Peshmerga gangs from Turkey.

▪️ Barzani’s relationship with Erdogan has been going on for many years, and some years ago Erdogan gave 2 billion dollars as a loan to the Kurds.

▪️ In 2011, a Turkish consulate was opened in Arbaello “currently Erbil”, the Assyrian city occupied by Kurdish gangs.

The Kurds support the Turks:

▪️ In 2013, Barzani together with Kurdish-Arab singer İbrahim Tatlıses، organized a large pro-Erdogan support force, and called on the Kurds to support him, as they held a meeting in Diyarbakir city in Turkey when Erdogan was then prime minister of Turkey.

Tatlises is an official member of the Turkish Justice and Development Party by Erdogan. He is famous for his stance in support of the Turkish government and the foreign and domestic policies of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and he appeared on more than one occasion alongside Erdogan to sing for him.

The Singer İbrahim Tatlıses is a close friend of Erdogan. Tatlıses is from a Kurdish mother and an Arab father. He was born in the occupied Assyrian city of Edessa, which was considered an important religious and cultural center for Christianity. The Assyrians in this city were exterminated by the Turks, Kurds, and Arabs in the Assyrian Genocide in 1915.

▪️ The Kurdish occupation authority was the first to condemn the failed military coup in Turkey in 2016 and sent messages to the Turkish government to express its supportive position.

▪️ In 2023 Erdogan won the elections and the Kurds were the first to rejoice and bless Erdogan’s victory in the elections.

The secret deal between Erdogan and Kurdish party:

The alliance between Erdogan and the Kurdish “HÜDA PAR” began with a secret agreement in 2014, where he promised electoral support for the release of Hezbollah terrorists, including notorious murderers serving life sentences. This alliance was officially recognized.

The “HÜDA PAR” party was founded in 2012 and is “a Kurdish extreme Sunni Islamist party” and is one of Turkey’s parties. It is also “the political wing of the Iranian-backed Kurdish Hezbollah. The party supported Erdogan in the 2018 presidential election and again in 2023. “Hüda-Par”, is synonymous with “Hezbollah”, meaning “Party of God”. The party attracts a large number of Kurds.

The vice president of Kurdish party (HÜDA-PAR Party) an ally of Turkish President Erdogan, called the 07.October.2023 surprise attack by Hamas “legitimate” that killed more than 1400 Israelis.

      The Kurds in the government of Turkey

▪️ Hakan Fidan is a Kurd who serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs since June 2023. He previously served as the director of the National Intelligence Agency MIT from 2010 to 2023.

▪️ Mehmet Şimşek is a Kurd who has served as Minister of Finance since June 4, 2023. He has been the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey since November 24, 2015. He previously served as Finance Minister from 2009 to 2015 in the offices of Prime Ministers Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ahmet Davutoglu.

▪️ Cevdet Yılmaz is a Kurd who currently serves as the vice president of Turkey.
Previously, he was the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey in the interim electoral government formed by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu from 28 August to 17 November 2015. He also served as Minister of Development from 2011 to 2015 and again from 2015 to 2016.

ISIS alliance with the Kurdish occupation:

The Kurds are on the side of ISIS and support it
The Kurds are on the side of ISIS and support it

Some hidden truths are that the Kurds didn’t fight ISIS for a simple reason, which is that its defeat isn’t in their interest. Because the fall of Syria and Iraq paved the way for the establishment of the Kurdish pseudo state in Assyrian lands.
When the Iraqi Arab occupation forces handed over the Assyrian city of Arrapkha (known today as Kirkuk), which has the world’s second largest oil field, to ISIS.
Then the Kurdish occupation forces allied with ISIS, and the Kurds handed over Mosul to ISIS in exchange for the oil-rich city of Arrapkha (Kirkuk).

The Kurds facilitated the entry of ISIS into the Assyrian cities and villages and drove the Assyrians out of their cities and villages with only their clothes, and captured the Assyrian women and raped them. Kurdish-American plan to eliminate Assyrian presence in its land and settle Kurds in Assyrian land and steal Assyrian antiquities.

Exaggerating the role of Kurdish women in the fight against ISIS:

The goal that the Kurdish occupation has exaggerated in presenting the role of Kurdish women in the fight against ISIS by showing their photos is to approach the Western style of thinking that Kurdish women can join the war because they know that these photos will be taken the attention of the West.In fact, the role of the Kurdish woman was not fighting.These photos were just a ploy by the Kurds to convince the international public that they were fighting ISIS.

ISIS was created from the teachings of the Qur’an:

ISIS is an organization created by the West and the Kurds from the Qur’an to destroy the remaining Assyrian cities and monuments, plunder the wealth of the Assyrian land, divide it among themselves, and displace the Assyrians living in their ancestral land in order to to prepare the ground for the creation of a Kurdish terrorist state in the historical land of the Assyrians.

The four invaders behind the Holocaust and the Genocides of the Assyrian wedding guests in 26.09.2023:

There is no doubt that the Turks collaborated with the Kurds in the holocaust and massacre of the Assyrian wedding party guests on 26.09.2023 in the Assyrian city of Beth Khdeda in the Assyrian plain, as the Kurdish and Turkish occupation forces want to control the Assyrian plain area, of course, under the cover of the occupying Iraqi-Arab government.
Turks, Kurds and Arabs cover for each other as they are united by the same religion and the idea of invasion and occupation, committing massacres and genocides, stealing and falsifying history and changing the demographics of the Assyrian and Greek regions.

▪️ Turkey occupies part of the Assyrian territory (today’s southeastern Turkey). The Kurds occupy part of the Assyrian lands (northern Iraq and northeastern Syria today) and (these lands were previously occupied by the Arabs). The Iranians occupy Urmia, northwest of Assyria.
▪️ The genocide against the Assyrians and the steal of Assyrian lands by the Kurds and Turks are still continuing.

Important steps to raise again the name of our country Assyria (Ashur), our great civilization and Assyrian nation high:

One of the important steps is the forming an international Assyrian organization that brings together all the Assyrians in the diaspora in coordination with the Assyrians present on the land of Assyria to protect their lives threatened by the Kurdish, Arab and Turkish occupation. And the formation of an Assyrian political force that seriously demands autonomy for the Assyrians on their land, the land of their ancestors for thousands of years. For our steps to be successful, we must understand that our rights are not restored except by force and serious demands from a true and courageous patriot leader, and the removal of traitors from the Assyrian cause, whether individuals, parties, or churches, because these are the ones who sold the Assyrian issue.


🟥 Erbil is the name given by the Arab occupation, while the Kurdish occupation called it Hewler. The real historical Assyrian name of this historical Assyrian city is “Arbaello”, which means four gods.

🟥 Beth Nohadra is the Assyrian city (known today as “Dohuk) after the Islamic invasion.

🟥 Arrapkha is the Assyrian city ( known today as Kirkuk) after the Islamic invasion.

🟥 The article contains photos related to the topic of the article.


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Jandark Petros

Jandark Petros

Articles: 10

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