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Holy Verses of Saints

The work and the love for the Orthodox faith

My deep interest in the praising of the Saints prompted me five years ago to start an effort to fill part of the hymnographic gap that exists, by printing editions with Hymns.

It is well known that, unfortunately, there are no Hymns for all the Saints and especially for Saints of the early Christian centuries. In fact, most of them are Great Martyrs since they suffered tortures of unbelievable cruelty, such that the healthy human mind is unable to grasp their full extent.

For example, Saint Julia from Corsica, who is a Great Martyr because she was executed (died) by death on the cross in the fourth century after being scourged and having her breasts cut off, is commemorated by our Church on May 22, but lacks a Mass.

Saint Daphne also, who was beheaded by her pagan father in the 7th century and whose memory is commemorated by our Church on 15 May. She too lacks a Succession.

νηστεία σατακοστή

Unfortunately, the same thing is true with many other Saints, so on their commemoration day in our Church their hymns are NOT recited.

It is truly a pity that those who gave their blood for our Christ so many years ago so that we today enjoy our Church remain unknown and are not honoured as they deserve.

So far it has been possible to publish the Hymns of the following Saints:






Simeon of Verchotouri











New martyrs


Virgin Mary of St Vatus

(St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai)




All the Transfigured Saints in Africa


John of Moschus


Theodosians Holy Martyrs

(Abbeys of the Monastery of Saint Theodosius in the Holy Land)


St. Theodosius

ακολουθια ερμολαον
Hymn of Saint Hermolaos the healer

The Sequence of Elder Ephraim of Arizona and Papa Fotis of Mytilene was also published because, although they have not yet been declared Saints, they are honoured as Saints in the consciousness of the Church’s population. I note that the Sequences are distributed for FREE. We do not sell them because our purpose is NOT for financial gain but to spread the word about our Saints.

Our Saints are essential because together with our Blessed Mother they bind themselves (pray) endlessly to our Lord and God for all mankind. (Let us consider how much we all need their intercessions now that the world has been turned upside down, the suffering in all families is immense and world peace is in danger. Where will we find mercy? Where will we find help?).

Jesus, as we read in the Gospel, gave a command to the apostles. He said to them:

<<You received free, give free>>

“Free” therefore applies not only to the apostles but also to all who want to work in His vineyard.

The financial difficulties that we are facing in Greece in the last two years are increasing, making the work of these editions more and more difficult, which, admittedly, so far has given great joy and relief to many people and especially to hospitalized patients, since we have made sure that the books are distributed to hospitals. Let me emphasize that this work is being done VOLUNTARILY.

ακολουθια ερμολαον

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Join our community in WhatsApp, 'Father, Son, Holy Spirit - Orthodox Faith' to learn more about Orthodox christianity and how it is changing the lives of millions of people around the world.