Join our community in WhatsApp, 'Father, Son, Holy Spirit - Orthodox Faith' to learn more about Orthodox christianity and how it is changing the lives of millions of people around the world.

Join our WhatsApp Community

Father, Son, Holy Spirit – Orthodox Faith

We are an Orthodox christian community in WhatsApp, in order to communicate with each other.
Those of you who wish to join this effort, please click on the link to join. Every Orthodox or people who are interested in Orthodoxy or people who wish to convert to Orthodoxy are welcome.

Father Son Holy Spirit - WhatsApp group

Posts made will be solely about Orthodox christianity because that is the identity of the community.
It is very nice to gradually become one big family from all corners of the earth and we can do this with your love!

Please spread the word and share our community with others.

Join our community in WhatsApp, 'Father, Son, Holy Spirit - Orthodox Faith' to learn more about Orthodox christianity and how it is changing the lives of millions of people around the world.

Join our community in WhatsApp, 'Father, Son, Holy Spirit - Orthodox Faith' to learn more about Orthodox christianity and how it is changing the lives of millions of people around the world.