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Supporting Hellenic Air Force Families

ICARUS ASSISTANCE will provide a major financial assistance to the immediate families of these fallen pilots.

A non-profit organization Icarus Assistance has recently been created to provide financial and moral support to the families of the grieving families of our country’s heroic pilots.
This organization is the product of careful thought and contemplation of a core group of individuals (all members of the Manhattan-based AHEPA Delphi Chapter #25) headed by Brother Denis Seretakos who serves as President of Icarus Assistance.

The organization’s existence brings to the forefront the continuous conflicts faced by the Hellenic Air Force as they seek to enforce and protect the integrity of the Hellenic air space over the Aegean.

Regrettably, over the years, many Hellenic pilots have fallen during the exercise of their duties; this organization will offer substantial financial assistance to the immediate families of those fallen pilots.

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Άγνωστος Πατριώτης

Άγνωστος Πατριώτης

Articles: 192

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