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The Tragedy of Russia’s Collective Farming under Communism

In order to understand the effects of communism on Russia, imagine a Russian village some 30 years after serfs had been emancipated.

In order to understand the effects of communism on Russia, imagine a Russian village some 30 years after serfs had been emancipated. Few agriculturalists managed to build successful enterprises. They owned cows, land, and could employ people. These hyper-productive individuals weren’t numerous but crucial as they grew most food.

However, there were others less fortunate or simply unproductive who hadn’t put their life towards any tangible progress. Enter Communist intellectuals, bringing with them a dangerous narrative which appealed to these disillusioned individuals: They alleged that those thriving had accumulated wealth by robbing others, thereby establishing a moral obligation for the oppressed to take back what was ‘rightfully’ theirs.

Add intoxication and burgeoning resentment into the mix — directed at a wasted life — and you get villagers ready to harm prosperous neighbours in the name of justice. This was not an isolated incident; it reverberated throughout. Soviet Union leading to irreversible consequences.

One key casualty was the class of productive farmers known as Kulaks. The annihilation of this class led to widespread famine killing six million Ukrainians – these farmers previously turned Ukraine from a humble agrarian society into ‘the Bread Basket of Europe.’ Unfortunately, post-communist rule resulted in Ukraine becoming unable to fend for itself nutritionally.

This particular worldview that gave rise to such horrors is deeply concerning when espoused today by Neo-Marxists. It’s important to learn from history about potential ramifications before adhering blindly to ideologies projected as flawless solutions for societal disparities.

Excerpt from Jordan Peterson interview

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Άγνωστος Πατριώτης

Άγνωστος Πατριώτης

Articles: 192

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