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White people never “enslaved” blacks from Africa

They were enslaved by other Africans. Only 5% of Africans brought to the Western Hemisphere were sold to the American Colonies, the other 95% were sold to Latin America.

They were enslaved by other Africans. Only 5% of Africans brought to the Western Hemisphere were sold to the American Colonies, the other 95% were sold to Latin America. That 5% were lucky (relatively), in that the Latin American’s based their form of slavery on the Islamic model, in which the slaves were considered a disposable commodity. The males were often castrated upon arrival, worked to death, and then replaced with more slaves.

America didn’t even buy slaves from the Africans, there was a intermediary business known as The Atlantic Slave Trade. Those men bought the slaves with their own money, transported them to North America, and sold them for a profit; they were not the property of America during the transport. It’s also important to point out that the buyers in the American

Colonies were told that slavery was criminal punishment in Africa, and that the slaves they were buying had been legally convicted. This last fact is always overlook when considering post-Civil War objections to releasing slaves rather than sending them back to Africa, since the general population considered it akin to emptying prison populations into their communities. I find it hard to believe that those who profited off slavery thought the “legally convicted” story was true, but the general population believed it.

But, Europeans did believe that criminality was passed down from generation to generation within families, this is also why entire families were exiled to Australia based on the conviction of fathers. This being based on biology is of course wrong, but criminality is a taught behavior that can pass from generation to generation.

The form of slavery that took place in the USA is rightfully abhorrent to our modern sensibilities, even though it was mild in comparison to the practice of slavery throughout the rest of the World at that time. But, the even more abhorrent form of slavery is now proliferating throughout the Middle East.

Slavery ended with the surrendering of the “South” in 1865. True, African Slaves were bough by Arabs and white Europeans from African warlords. Advantage of having black slaves was being distinguished from white European and native Americans so they couldn’t escape and were easily captured.

Middle-Ages Arabs and Turks were enslaving Slavs as well. Young boys as soldiers and men for rowers in the gallies of their war/trade ships.

The “rowers” lifespan was very short, from a few weeks to a few months, after which the corpses were fed to sharks. Girls were kidnapped and sold to rich Arabs as concubines. If we go back to Roman times (6th century BC – 5th century AD), Slavs were captured by Roman legions for slavery and as fighters in Colosseum. And blond/ blue-green eyed Slavs were easily distinguishable from (‘olive skin/dark hair/eyes’)

Arabs so they couldn’t easily escape. p.s. ‘Slaves’ came from the word ‘Slavs’

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Άγνωστος Πατριώτης

Άγνωστος Πατριώτης

Articles: 193

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