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CLIMAX Awareness Team

The times we live in are extremely challenging and unpredictable. An era of intense social and economic problems and dangerous geopolitical developments. An era in which values, the sacred and the most holy, but also the personality of the individual, are at stake.

A time in which, for us Christians, the God’s image which must be our objective purpose is being seriously shaken.

In the midst of this confusion, a small Christian group was created five years ago on Viber app which has as its purpose the transmission of joy and optimism.

The pillars of the group

The name, KLIMAX. From the very beginning KLIMAX was founded on two pillars.

1st Pillar

The first pillar refers to the edition of the Sequences of our Orthodox Church, mainly of unknown Saints, in order to cover as much as possible the hymnographic gap that exists and to disseminate Saints who are not widely known.

So so far, therefore, some fifteen Sequences have been published and efforts for further editions are continuing.

2nd Pillar

The second pillar relates to the support of the international Orthodox mission.

Despite the limited resources of the group, the joy and relief offered in these two areas is not negligible.
The Holy Masses have met with a great response from the Church’s fullness and at the same time, in such difficult circumstances, it has been possible to distribute them to many patients who were hospitalized in various hospitals in our country.

If we consider the fact that because of the pandemic, for two entire years, the patients did not receive visits, since they were forbidden, then we can understand the consolation, even if only a little, that these people felt while holding the Sequences in their hands and reading the Rule of Supplication.

An important detail is the fact that ALL THE HOLY MASSES WERE AND ARE FREE OF CHARGE.

ακολουθια ερμολαον
Holy Sequences of Saints

Missionary work

Regarding the Orthodox international missionary work, significant efforts have been made to support the work of missionaries. Apart from the financial support that is sometimes sent, albeit limited due to the economic difficulties that prevail, material goods are also sent, such as sewing machines for the women and bicycles for the missionaries, which are very useful in order to enable them to move from village to village, covering huge distances, in order to teach the Word of God to the spiritually thirsty African people.

So far KLIMAX has been active in African countries and in India, while in the next period it will attempt to send aid to a Latin American country where thousands of Orthodox Indians live.

This particular project is the most difficult since the group was set up as there are several obstacles. However, with the grace of God and the help of our sensitive fellow human beings, everything can be achieved.

The activities of the KLIMAX are not limited exclusively to Holy Masses and external missionary work. In the last three years the group has shown great care for the homeless as well.

Προσφορά σε αστέγους στον Πειραιά
Offering help to the homeless

So several times the group has visited homeless people in Athens and Piraeus and has distributed food, clothes, bedding, sanitary items, etc.

The mission of the group

Dear readers, the presentation of the activities of KLIMAX is not made in order to hype the group. This is not the purpose.
Alas, if Christians are showing off, much less advertising themselves. In such a case they become the laughing stock of angels and demons.

But through KLIMAX a message is being passed on. The message of joy and optimism.
There are dozens, maybe even hundreds of orthodox groups on Viber app with some of them counting thousands of members. That is very good. But it would be much better if all the groups decided at some point to move from the stage of posting to the stage of making a practical contribution to our fellow human beings and our Church.

The members of the group

The members of KLIMAX started out as strangers among strangers but over time they managed to develop interpersonal, friendly relationships. Relationships which were based on respect, trust, interest and mutual understanding. It is the most beautiful thing to see people who were initially strangers then get to know each other, come together and work for Christ.

What if all of us who participate in similar Christian groups on Viber did the same? Have we considered that maybe things would be different for our society?
So many groups… If all the groups instead of just staying on the posts only published Holy Masses, helped both outreach and inreach, and cared about the homeless wouldn’t something change for the better?

Wouldn’t it bring joy to a lot of people? There is no doubt that the postings are necessary and many of them even help and contribute to the spiritual growth of the members of the groups.
But if the theoretical part (faith) is combined with the practical part (works) then isn’t the ideal result achieved?

I believe that we Christians have enormous potential. We just have not thought that through collective effort we can achieve much more than we can achieve by acting individually. ‘We’ is clearly better than ‘I’.

So this is the message of KLIMAX and it proves it perfectly through its activities while at the same time ‘winking’ at anyone who wishes to join it!

Join our community in WhatsApp, 'Father, Son, Holy Spirit - Orthodox Faith' to learn more about Orthodox christianity and how it is changing the lives of millions of people around the world.

Join our community in WhatsApp, 'Father, Son, Holy Spirit - Orthodox Faith' to learn more about Orthodox christianity and how it is changing the lives of millions of people around the world.